In February 2023, KUMA hosted its first “Mentor-Mentee Event” at Browns Butlers Wharf, London. Our aim was to introduce a platform whereby Korean medical students (KUMAS) could be introduced to a wide range of medical/surgical specialties and offer them an invaluable opportunity to network with Korean specialty trainees/consultants.
We were very fortunate to have a diverse range of speakers share their experience about their own respective specialties and offer tips regarding ST application. An informative talk on Foundation Year training was offered by the KUMA Foundation Year Reps, which was particularly well-received by medical students in their final year of study.
We were delighted to have announced the KUMAS Mentorship Reflective Essay Prize, an exclusive opportunity for those who attended the KUMA-KUMAS Mentor-Mentee Networking Day. The winners and their essays can be accessed through the link at the bottom of the page.
Overall, it proved to be a very successful event with an excellent turnout of KUMAS medical students. We would like to thank our invited speakers and we hope to host future events to support KUMAS with planning their future careers.
1st Place Prize Winner:
Na Young Jin
My name is Na Young Jin - I am a 4th year medical student at St. George's University. I am currently intercalating at Imperial College London for my Biomedical Engineering Course and going on to finish my final year at St. George's after my intercalation.

2nd Place Prize Winner:
Yoon Soo Park
My name is Yoon Soo Park - I am a 4th year medical student studying at Imperial College London, currently intercalating in Endocrinology.