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About Us

Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Story, Our Team

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Our Vision

KUMA is a UK-based association of Korean medical professionals registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK. Our organisation is committed to serving the Korean community in the UK and assisting Koreans in navigating the UK healthcare system.  Moreover, we serve as advocates for Korean doctors working within the NHS, representing our perspectives to both the UK's NHS and in Korea.

KUMA는 영국 한인 의사협회로서, 영국 General Medical Council (이하 GMC)에 등록된 한국인 의사들로 구성된 단체입니다. 저희 단체는 영국의 한인 커뮤니티를 위해 봉사하고 영국 내 한국인들의 영국

의료 시스템 이용을 돕는 목적을 가지고 있으며, 또한 NHS에 재직중인 한국인 의사들의 대변인이 되어 저희들의 입장을 영국NHS와 한국에 알리는 역할을 하고 있습니다.

Our Mission


To optimise medical care and its awareness in the Korean residents in the UK through community outreach activities.


To facilitate higher standards of healthcare and medical training through teaching and education.


To enhance the fellowship of members and to aid and support career development for junior doctors.


To promote and provide a platform for network of medical professions in the UK and beyond.

Our Story

The Korean UK Medical Association (KUMA) started out as a group of medical and dental undergraduate students in the UK in 2006. Since then it has grown into a strong group of doctors of different specialities with our Alumni in South Korea, Canada, Australia and beyond

재영한인의사협회 (KUMA)는 2006년 영국에 있는 의학과 치과학 전공 대학생들로 시작되었습니다. 그 이후로 다양한 전문분야 의사들과 한국, 캐나다, 호주 등에서의 동문들을 포함한 모임으로 성장했습니다

The event was really informative and getting the networking opportunity was invaluable.

RE Mentorship Event

KUMAS Student

많은 도움 주셔서 감사합니다.

자주 와주시면 감사하겠습니다.

RE Health Awarness Day


I really appreciated the kindness of the staff, doctors and seniors. Everyone was really helpful and it was such a friendly atmosphere! It was a great experience and thank you for organising this successful event!

RE Health Awareness Day


I found the talks really helpful, especially the ones giving insight into training and working in Korea. 

RE Academic Seminar

KUMAS Student

Meet the Team

​재영한인의사협회의 임원진을 만나보세요

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Ms Eunsol Kim

​김은솔 선생님


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Dr Sejung Park

​박세정 선생님

Vice President

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Dr Minjin Kim

​김민진 선생님


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Dr Sanghoon Oh

​오상훈 선생님


Our Sponsors


Our Affiliations

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